
Questions to understand before writing an essay:
Know what to write.
It is clear what the teacher requires this essay to write.If the teacher asks to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of A,but only describes A,without critical analysis and evaluation of A from both positive and negative aspects,it will be considered as an unsuccessful essay.
Think logically
The Essay is confused and illogical.Thinking of what to write is a common problem when writing an essay.It is suggested to use some signposts to indicate the direction of the article,write what you really want to express,and add some polishing.
3.The references are very important
The Introduction
The main content of the Introduction section is the background of the entire essay topic,the explanation of the main keywords and your main point of view.At the same time,the introduction section will briefly introduce the structure of your entire article.When writing the introduction part,it is more likely to follow the inverted pyramid principle,that is,from the general scope to the topic you want to write and your argument step by step.First of all,the introduction part should attract people's attention with general declarative sentences,leading to the topic of the whole essay,and then it will be transferred to my thesis.
Introduction部分主要的内容是整个essay topic的背景、主要几个关键词的解释以及你的一个主要观点。同时introduction部分也会简要介绍下你整个文章的结构。
The Main Body
The Main body part is mainly the introduction and discussion of the Main points of the article.In the Main body part,there are several questions that need to be paid attention to as follows:
(1)Break the main point into pieces.
(2)State every issue relate to the main point and Make sure all the points are covered.
(3)The main argument is clearly identified and The personal opinion and explanations are evidently presented.
(4)Paragraph Structure:
——Topic Sentence
Not Always comes at the beginning.it is the most general sentence in a paragraph.
——Supporting Sentences
Provide evidences to support,or explain,the idea expressed in the topic sentence.
——Concluding Sentences
Optional,it is normally located at the end of the paragraph which summarized the information that has been presented.
Main body部分主要就是文章主要观点介绍与讨论的部分,在main body部分,有以下需要注意的几个问题: