
Essay开头段落主要是向读者讲述某个主题,与此同时,指明这个主题的主旨并将其作为整个论文的指导。Essay开篇点题,并在此基础上形成一种特定的语境,由此搭建论文的基本骨架。举个例子,如果需要以The Truth of Thanksgiving(关于感恩节的真相)为题来写一篇论文,你可以介绍这个节日的来源和历史背景或谈起当前社会对这个节日的争议。
“What is the charm of necklaces?Why would anyone put something extra around their neck and then invest it with special significance?A necklace doesn't afford warmth in cold weather,like a scarf,or protection in combat,like chain mail;it only decorates.”(Emily R.Grosholz,"On Necklaces."Prairie Schooner,Summer 2007)
Some people claim that traffic is becoming an increasing problem in Wildwood.There is a popular opinion that the only way to solve this problem is to propose new regulations for traffic and parking for Wildwood.Do you think that new regulations are an effective way to solve traffic problem?To what degree?
1.traffic is becoming an increasing problem(交通问题日益严重);
-only way is to propose new regulations for traffic and parking(唯一的途径是提出新的交通和停车规定);
-new regulations are an effective way?(新的规定是不是一个有效的方式?)。
2.people are not satisfied with current traffic;
-the government should make some changes to traffic system in Wildwood.
3.The traffic problem will not disappear unless the government makes some changes to traffic system in Wildwood.
Some people have suggested that public libraries should be shut down and,in their place,everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader subscription.Other people would argue that it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with digital devises.Discuss both views and give your opinions.
主题:public libraries and digital devises;
观点一:close public libraries and give everyone an iPad with an e-reader subscription;
观点二:we should not replace libraries with digital devices,because they can cause numerous health problems;
做什么:discuss both views;
怎么做:give your opinions.
It’s a good idea to replace libraries with digital devices,it will encourage more people to read because they won’t have to travel to a library to get a book.
目的——encourage more people to read;
方法——replace libraries with digital devices.
As online learning becomes more common and more and more resources are converted to digital form,so it may be a good idea to replace libraries with digital devices.It will encourage more people to read because they won’t have to travel to a library to get a book.They could also access more materials because libraries won’t have to buy physical copies of books;they can simply rent out as many digital copies as they need.