
Break down the question
There are three different kinds of keywords:
Tasks words are usually verbs and they will tell you how to answer a question e.g.explain,analyses,contrast,define or evaluate.
Content words are words that tell you what your topic is.
Limiting words are words that narrow the scope of your topic and let you know what particular area focus on.
Noting down all these words will help you make sure you have a good understanding of the question you’re expected to answer and how you’re expected to answer it.
You should also remember that您还应该记住:
技巧1.Do the research做研究
That isn’t to say that you should just repeat what’s already been said,but rather,to reference their work as a means of positioning your own ideas.Do you agree or disagree with what’s already been said?How does the work of previous scholars hold up to the issues that you’re dealing with in your essay?This is why it’s important to conduct thorough background research.You can do this by:
使用文章问题中的关键字搜索在线图书馆目录和Google学术搜索。If you get stuck in your research,go back through the assigned readings for your topic and explore the references listed in those readings.This will give you an idea of what to read next,as well as a picture of what’s already been written about your topic.
Making sure you know what kind of referencing you have to use and doing it from the start!Write down page numbers of ideas and quotes as you go so that you don’t have to waste time searching for them again later.
技巧2.Stick to the structure坚持结构
While essay conventions will vary from subject to subject,it’s safe to say that every essay should be made up of the same basic segments:the introduction,body(which is made up of paragraphs),and a conclusion.Each of these segments has its own purpose:
技巧3.In the introduction在介绍中:
Introduce your topic
Define key terms
Briefly,discuss the main points of contention surrounding your topic
Don’t be mysterious–explain what you’re going to argue and how you’re going to do it.
技巧4.In the body在正文里:
本文的正文由不同的段落组成。每个段落都应致力于解决特定的问题或主题。除非您的老师有特定要求,否则您要如何“主题化”您的段落以及要多长的时间取决于您。关于正文写作方法,大家可以参考:6个Essay Main Body写作技巧
Begin by writing down your main arguments or themes and then decide upon the most logical order to present them in.You want your essay argument to‘flow’naturally from one idea to the next.
Paragraphs have their own general structure段落具有一般结构:
Statement–Start with a sentence that demonstrates what the main idea of that paragraph is.
Elaboration–Go into further,supporting detail of your idea.
Example–If you can,give an example that supports your argument.Significance
Explain–Explain the significance of the point you’ve made in this paragraph to your overall argument.
技巧5.In the conclusion结论:
Begin by referencing the essay question首先参考论文问题
Re-state the main argument重新陈述主要论点
Explain how the arguments you’ve made directly answer the essay question.说明您提出的论点如何直接回答论文问题
Be confident in your conclusion and finish with a strong statement.对您的结论充满信心,并发表有力的声明