
由于英语使用名词—尤其是由动词转化过来的名词—的机会较多,而名词与名词之间常常需要介词连接,故英语中使用介词的现象比比皆是。据美国著名语言学家Curme统计,英语介词有280个之多,英语的介词构成分为四类,包括简单介词(如in,at,to,by,等)、合成介词(如onto,outside,without等)、双重介词(如along by,in between等)以及成语介词(如apart from,in front of,on behalf of等。其中使用最为频繁的是简单介词at,by,in,for,of,on,to,from和with。据有的学者统计,这9个介词的使用率占所有介词的92%。与英语相比,现代汉语中介词的数量不多,只有约30个,且多数是从动词转变而来的。很多介词具有动词和介词的双重作用,而动词的特点又更突出一些。因此,在英译汉时碰到介词短语的翻译往往要将介词翻译成汉语里的动词。
after,take in皆是。介词片语(prepositional phrase)可当作形容词或助词使用,例如a friend in need,said in earnest,所以英文简直离不了介词。因此,在英译汉时碰到介词短语的翻译往往要将介词翻译成汉语里的动词。
我们的孩子在同一所学校上学。Our children are at the same school.
我非常了解他,因为我们在同一个办公室工作。I know him quite well,for we are in the same office.
我发现他在图书馆里看书。I found him at his books in the library.
eI’ve never set great store by the ring on my finger,nor the necklace round my neck,nor the refrigerator and the color TV set in my home.对于我手上戴的戒指,颈上挂的项链乃至于家里摆设的冰箱、彩电,我从来都不怎么重视。
Since we are through with the customs formalities,shall we go to the hotel?现在办完了海关手续,我们去旅馆吧
Through the forest,they found the small village.穿过森林,他们找到了那个小村庄。
What are they after,fame or position?他们在追求什么,名誉还是地位?
他邀请我去他家吃午饭。He invited me to his house for lunch.
我们热烈欢迎你们参加这次会议。We warmly welcome you to the meeting.
下了班老张骑上自行车直奔菜市场。Lao Zhang hurried to the market by bike after work.
数学比班上其他同学学得好。I am above the rest of the class in mathematics.
这我理解不了。It is beyond me.
我智力比不上他。I am below him in intelligence.
和他争论简直有辱我们的身份。It’s beneath us to argue with this ugly dirty devil.
加拿大是中国的第二大贸易伙伴,仅次于美国。Canada is China’s second largest trading partner,next only to the US.
他无权签合同.It is beyond his power to sign the contract.
Dorothy’s clothes are always in good taste.多罗西的穿着总是很有品味。
注意恶狗伤人!Be on guard against dogs!
我们是黔驴技穷了。We are at the end of wit.
He remained silent with his head down all the time.他始终低着头一言不发。
Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.生活没有目标就像航海没有指南.
The master was walking up and down the room,with the iron ruler under his arm and a book,in his hand.老师胳膊下夹一个铁戒尺,手里拿着书,在教室里踱来踱去。