Argument Essay是众多Academic Essay中比较难写的一列,为了让自己的写作更加省时省力,相信很多留学生们在写作过程中都会适当套用一些句型。当然,我们不反对套用句型,但是不能盲目套用,要科学理性的去套用才能体现这个句型的价值。当然句型套用恰当也是至关重要的。本文中小编就给大家准备了Argument Essay写作常用句型,掌握这些句型可以轻松提高写作能力,相信可以帮到大家更好更好的完成自己的Essay。

Argument Essay写作中开头段的引题部分句型:
1、When asked about/When it comes to/…(当被问及/就……)
2、most people believe that…,but other people regard…as…(大部分认为……,但是其他人认为……)
3、When it comes to…,people’s opinions differ.(说到……,不同的人有不同的观点。)
4、Some believe that…,while others claim that…(一些人相信……,而另一些人则认为……)
5、There is a general discussion today about the issue of…(如今人们都在探讨关于……的问题)
6、Most people are of the opinion that…(大多数人认为……)
7、But in spite of…I personally believe that…(尽管……我个人认为……)
8、Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that…(现在越来越多的人开始意识到……)
Argument Essay写作中用于比较的句型:
1、Good as A is,it has its own disadvantages.(虽然A很好,但它也有自己的缺点。)
2、For one thing,it…For another,it…(一方面它……,另一方面它……)
3、Although A has considerable advantage over B…,it can not compete with B in…(虽然A在……比B有优势,但是无法在……上与B比较)
4、A’s advantage means nothing when B’s advantage are considered.(当我们考虑B的优点时,A的优点就不算什么了。)
Argument Essay写作中用于驳斥的句型:
1、As opposed to widely held ideas,I argue that…(相对于那些广泛持有的观点,我认为……)
2、Although…the popular belief/idea/study/is that…(尽管……现在流行的说法是……)
3、They may be right about…,but they seem to neglect to mention the fact that…(关于……可能是对的,但是他们忽视了……的事实)
4、Although it is widely accepted that…,it is unlikely to be true that…(虽然……已经被广泛接受,但是……不可能是真的)
5、It is true that…,but this is not to say/it doesn’t follow that…(……是真的,但它不遵循……)
6、You may say/argue that…It probably will.But...(你可以认为……它也确实是。但是……)
Argument Essay写作中用于解释和阐述性的句型:
1、The change in…mainly results from the fact that…(……的改变可能会导致……)
2、One may regard the phenomenon as a…sign of…(人们把……作为……的标志)
3、There are many causes for this dramatic growth.(这种戏剧性的增长有许多的原因。)
4、First…,second…,A number of factors could account for the change in...(第一,……第二,……,许多因素可以说明在……上的变化)
5、For one thing…;for another…(一方面……,另一方面……)
6、Perhaps the primary reason is…(最主要的原因还是……)
Argument Essay写作中用于结尾的句型:
1、From what has been discussed above,we may safely draw the conclusion…(通过以上的讨论,我们可以得出……的结论)
2、Taking into account all these features,we may conclude that…(考虑所有的这些特点,我们可以得出……的结论)
3、Judging from all evidence offered,we may say…(从所提供的证据来看,我们可以说……)
4、It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the development of…(现在正是我们重视发展……的时候)
5、There is little doubt that further attention must be paid to the problem of…(毫无疑问,还有一些问题我们需要注意……)