Introduction也就是论文的前沿部分,也是很多类型的英文论文必要的结构部分之一,特别是一些写手 们在还没对整篇英文论文有个大体的思路的时候去写Introduction的话是有一定的难度。为了帮助写手 减轻英文论文写作难度,这里小编就为写手 小伙伴们分享了一些Introduction写作常用句型,大家可以根据自己论文的需要自行取用,不过要注意的是要合理运用这些句型哦,不要生搬硬套,否则是会对文章的质量大打折扣的哦。

The aim of present study was/is…
The present study presents/presented…
This paper+
argues that…
gives an account of…
discusses the case of…
analyses the impact of…
attempts to show that…
contests the claim that…
provides an overview of…
reviews the evidence for…
reports on a study which…
traces the development of…
explores the ways in which…
assesses the significance of…
highlights the importance of…
considers the implications of…
critically examines the view that…
proposes a new methodology for…
examines the relationship between…
compares the different ways in which…
investigates the factors that determine…
describes the design and implementation of…
A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in the data analysis.
A holistic approach is utilised,integrating X,Y and Z material to establish…
Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this investigation.
By employing qualitative modes of enquiry,I attempt to illuminate the…
Data for this study were collected using…
Five works will be examined,all of which…
Qualitative and quantitative research designs were adopted to provide…
The approach to empirical research adopted for this study was one of…
The methodological approach taken in this study is a mixed methodology based on…
The research data in this thesis is drawn from four main sources:…
The study was conducted in the form of a survey,with data being gathered via…
This dissertation follows a case-study design,with in-depth analysis of…
This study uses a qualitative case study approach to investigate…
This study was exploratory and interpretative in nature.
This investigation takes the form of a case-study of the…
A discussion of Y is/falls outside the scope of this paper.
A full discussion of X lies beyond the scope of this study.
A new methodology isdescribed/outlined in the fourth section…
Another potential problem is that the scope of my thesis may be too broad.
Due to practical constraints,this paper cannot provide a comprehensive review of…
For reasons of space,Y is notaddressed/dealt with/considered in this paper.
In the third section a case study ispresented/analyzed…
It is beyond the scope of this study to examine the…
Problems/Questions/Issues regarding X are discussed in later sections.
Some/Our conclusions are drawn in the final section.
The first section/Section 1 gives a brief overview of…
The next chapterlooks at/examines/investigates the question of…
The reader should bear in mind that the study is based on…
The second sectionexamines/analyses…
The thesis does not engage with…
This paper isorganized as follows/divided into five sections.
This study is unable to encompass the entire…
Thispaper/chapter/section/subsection begins by examining…
We/I propose a new procedure in Section 4
Chapter 6 analyses the results of interviews and focus group discussions undertaken during…
Chapter Two begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of the research,and looks at how…
My thesis is composed of four themed chapters.
The essay has been organised in the following way.
The first section of this paper will examine…
The fourth section presents the findings of the research,focusing on the three key themes that…
The main issues addressed in this paper are:a),b and c).
The overall structure of the study takes the form of six chapters,including…
The remaining part of the paper proceeds as follows:…
The third chapter is concerned with the methodology used for this study.
This paper begins by…It will then go on to…
This paper first gives a brief overview of the recent history of X.
This paper has been divided into four parts.The first part deals with…
The findings should make an important contribution to the field of….
The present research explores,for the first time,the effects of…
The present study fills a gap in the literature by…
The study offers some important insights into…
There are several important areas where this study makes an original contribution to…
Therefore,this study makes a major contribution to research on X by demonstrating…
This is the first study to undertake a longitudinal analysis of…
This project provided an important opportunity to advance the understanding of…
This research sheds new light on…
This study aims to contribute to this growing area of research by exploring…
This study provides an exciting opportunity to advance our knowledge of…
This study provides new insights into…
Understanding the link between X and Y will help…