
在中文写作中,我们有时候会在句子里面使用一对或者几对含义相反的词来凸显事物之间的差别,这样的手法在英文里面也有,比如下面这个例子(选段来自文章Keep out:Lower immigration could be the biggest economic cost of Brexit,文章背景是英国脱欧带来的移民数量减少可能会影响英国经济)
Britain exports old,creaky people and imports young,taxpaying ones.More than 100,000 British pensioners live it up in sunny Spain;meanwhile,up to 100,000 working-age Spaniards brave the British cold.
exports old,creaky people与imports young,taxpaying ones对比(这里为了避免在一个句子里面重复使用两个people,所以用ones来代替);more than 100,000 British pensioners与up to 100,000 working-age Spaniards对比;live it up in sunny Spain与brave the British cold对比(其中live it up是一个短语,含义是“享乐,玩乐”,brave这里作动词用,属于熟词生义,含义是“勇敢地面对”)。
She and millions of Koreans may dream of reunification but nearly 70 years of division have taken the edge off the pain even of family separation.They have produced two different peoples—one poor,isolated and downtrodden;one well-off,cosmopolitan and free.
作者在形容朝鲜人和韩国人时用了两组不同的形容词:poor,isolated and downtrodden;well-off,cosmopolitan and free,这样突出了两国在分裂70多年后国民状态间的巨大区别。
The second argument concerns individualism.In an age when individualistic thinking waxes,the persuasive power of advertising wanes.
类似wax and wane这样的词还有boom and bust,virtue and vice,friend and foe等,写作的时候可以灵活应用。
要表达“……对某人来说太贵”,我们一般说sth.is too expensive for sb.下面这个句子可以提供一个新表达(来自文章Class warfare):
But Shelly Asquith of the National Union of Students cautions that poor students are sometimes priced out of expensive university halls and thus end up living in the cheapest private places available,which hinders student mixing.
上面句子里面somebody is priced out of something含义是“某事物对某人来说价格太高,以至于他们无法接受”。例如我们可以说:
1)Many white-collar workers find themselves being priced out of the housing market as property prices are scaling new heights.
2)Apple's new MacBook Pro is pricing ordinary consumers out of the market.
标题里面duck本义是“鸭子”,这里用了引申义“像鸭子一样低头躲避(责任,困难等)”,ducks the big questions给人的感觉会更加形象。
3.buy and sell
下面这个选段也是一个关于动词使用的例子(来自The Economist Essay:The Mekong):
The human diversity is striking,too:Tibetan monks pray;Burmese traders buy and sell;Cambodian fishermen cast nets;Thai farmers reap;Vietnamese markets float.The history is as rich as the soil.
上面这段文字主要描写湄公河两岸人文的多样性,句子里面几个动词让人读起来很过瘾:pray,buy and sell,cast,reap,float.
以下选段来自文章Flying high:Are stockmarkets in a bubble?文章对目前全球股市高涨的原因进行了分析,并指出当前蔓延的民粹主义和反全球化浪潮可能会对经济造成的冲击:
Stocks may fly high for some time yet,but investors should keep a parachute handy.
文章最后的这一句的比喻很有意思,股票市场目前虽然还在上涨(fly high),但是考虑到目前的民粹主义浪潮对商品和资本流动的影响,股票上涨的趋势可能不会持久,因此投资者需要谨慎。作者在这里用keep a parachute handy(备好降落伞)来对投资者进行建议,让人