从历史到当代、从乌托邦到绝望乡,从比较文学、英汉语比较到多元文化,甚至简单的一中一西、一贫一富、一明一暗。past&present,the traditional&the modern,一男一女、一快一慢、一静一动、一合一散,immutability and on-going transformation,都离不开对比,比权量力、衡短论长。今天小编给大家分享归纳事物共同点、分述不同点系列词汇,同学们写Comparative Essay再也不愁!
Comparative Essay写作
Lili Hernández对比中西的时候,先分述中西境况,中间使用on the other hand转折,最后用一组形容词总结,一起欣赏下:(略长,请耐心读)
中国的刻板印象背后隐藏的文化实力:“This is what I call‘neo-traditional china’,a country where tradition is far from annihilated but renewd and re-enacted in manifold ways as part of modern forms of culture,architecture,market forces,world views and everyday practices...To speak of China’s uniqueness is far from any attempt at labelling the country as primitive and exotic.The distinctiveness to which I refer is a reflection of China’s strong cultural roots which have allowed for the unfolding of its own identity regardless of the foreign influence it may be willing to accept.”
西方的八方风雨和每况愈下:“The West,on the other hand,faces its own demons.Alongside natural catastrophes,environmental disasters and social disruptions in different parts of the world,which have a worldwide effect,the West has to deal with the imperative of providing an account for its long standing confidence and pride.The 2008 global financial crisis,the recent Eurozone predicament and the slow-down in economic growth in such countries as the US pose a question about the ability of the west to define and represent itself on the international stage.”
中西合璧、互补统一:“The west faces the need to turn eastwards.Just as the former is no longer powerful and articulate,the East,and in this particular case China,is not submissive and silent.The encounters between the two become closer to Taoism’s concepts of Yin and Yang,the primordial pair of opposites,and interdependent and complementary built-in dualism which in as much as it challenges former antagonisms brings about new possibilities too.”
那么写一篇Comparative Essay比较两项事物
match,amount to,resemble
congruent,comparable to,correspondent
parallel,resembling,uniform,similar to
at the same time,likewise
by analogy,in accordance with
adjacent to,aligned with,alongside,equally,in common,identically,correspondingly
contrary to,as opposed to
run counter to,by contrast
conversely,on the contrary
in contradiction of,in opposition to
to oppose/contravene/work against to,in marked/sharp/stark/striking/direct contrast to
on the other hand,rather than
in comparison with,relative to
while,even so,notwithstanding
“The figures suggest that girls are underachieving relative to boys.”
“It amounts to saying that a future pope should cherish cultural heritage above all else.”
“Vaguely resembling baseball,the game of cricket dates back to sixteenth century England.”
“The historian's new book finds a parallel between modern politics and those from ancient times.”
“A two-week holiday in school time is equivalent to nearly half a day a week of teaching for two terms.”
“The cost of living in the city is more expensive,but salaries are supposed to be correspondingly higher.”
“Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets.”
“The primary focus is on the social,as opposed to the economic and technological features of competition.”
“His opinions stand in stark contrast to those of his constituents.”
“Unpleasant regulatory surprises have a way of sneaking in the back door when the voting public is otherwise engaged.”
“Nevertheless,the modern law of contracts tenaciously clings to the liberal ideal of individual autonomy.”
“We do not tolerate any behaviour that is counter to our core value of integrity.”
“Instead of defending traditional values,the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.”
“Conversely,reading a right-wing paper had much more influence upon perceptions of Britain's performance than on perceptions of family circumstances.”
“Today's economic problems pale in comparison with those of the 1930s.”
“Like our oral culture,our society is atomized,disparate and largely obsessed with trivia.”
“While Callaghan’s“All the Years of Her Life”and Mistry’s“Of White Hairs and Cricket”both follow the conventions of the coming-of-age narrative,Callaghan’s story adheres more closely to these conventions by allowing its central protagonist to mature.In Mistry’s story,by contrast,no real growth occurs.”
“Although Darwin and Lamarck came to different conclusions about whether acquired traits can be inherited,they shared the key distinction of recognizing that species evolve over time.”
这一系列词汇同学们在写Comparative Essay的过程都能用上,词汇量不够的同学赶紧收藏起来!