
Step 1:Overview of topic(s)and elimination
To begin working on an essay with a student,the first thing I’ll do is to make sure they are aware ofthe topic(s)/prompt(s)so that they have a broad understanding of what will be required of them.
Depending on whether there are choices for the essay responses(Common Application Personal Statement and UC Insight Questions have many choices)I will then talk with the student and discuss which types of prompts might be suitable for them,and which might not.
For example,if a student has never really faced much significant hardship in their life,and has had much given to them,they might want to avoid picking a prompt like“Tellus about a time when you overcame a significant obstacle…”
Step 2:100 questions game and reading example essays
Once we decide on which topics NOT to write about,I narrow down the 100-question list that uses toelicit potential responses.I then have them answer as many of the left over50-60 questions as they can.Even a sentence or a few words can help.Using an online document that both the student and counselor can edit in real time helps with this,as the process can be more active and continuous rather than focusing around a few in-person meetings.
Again,I go through there sponses with elimination in mind,crossing off answers that seem inappropriate,cliché,or show marked disinterest.
After the student answers enough of the questions and I narrow down the choices to about 20 questions,I try to dig up example essays that match the student’s particular interests or tone of voice/temperament and have them read through them.I then have the student go back and review the answers to their questions and add some information to the responses that most spark their creativity.
Step 2.5:Essence objects game
Sometimes students will be reluctant or incapable of answering straight forward questions.Maybe they’ve simply never considered questions like this and need more of a creative push to come up with some ideas.
Once the student has completed this exercise,I again review the responses and try to assign some example essays from past students to give them more of a clue as to how their response may take shape(eventually).
Step 2.83:Memes
If all else fails and the student either has a hard time opening up or refuses to cooperate,I would probably suggest that the student pick 10 memes from the internet that they find particularly funny,insightful and that hopefully reflect some aspect of their beliefs or personality.
It’s actually an effective way of getting to know students who might be“too cool”to talk about their opinions,emotions,and values in a direct manner.
Step 3:General outline,pre-writing,drafting
In this step,I usually sit down with the student or work with them online together and give them some suggestions of ways that they can start their paper.Though with different students the structure of the essays can change drastically,just for the sake of getting words on paper,I usually I focus on outlining the general structure using the following format:
Paragraph 1–“The Hook”
Paragraph 2–“Providing Context”
Paragraph 3–“Widen the Scope/Expanding the Story”
Paragraph 4–“What’s Your New Realization?Examples of Changes in Your Behavior”
Paragraph 5–“Conclusion–Look to the Future”
For this part,I don’t like to set a word limit,and if I encourage the student to write as much as possible.
I then read what they’ve written,and ask them to expand on every interesting thought,sentence,quotation,scene,etc.
Step 4:Revision
This step is obviously the longest and most complicated part,and I usually advise the student to exciselarge parts of their paper(sometimes more than 75%).
I try to keep writing that demonstrates some of the following attributes in the best possible light:humility,honesty,humor,and everyday straight forwardness.
There are many different sections that I often encourage students to discard:overly dramatized passages,lengthy and confusing dialogues or present tense action scenes,parts of the paper that focus more on“what”than“who”,passages that“tell”instead of“show”,etc.
After I help the student cut out parts of their paper,I give them some suggestions as to how they can continue writing.I sit down with them and discuss for a final time which one of the prompts they want to respond to,and make sure that their answer directly addresses that topic
Sometimes during this process,we realize that the general structure or prompt that we started to use doesn’t fit with what the student wants to express.On occasion,I advise abandoning up to 90%of the paper and instead going a different direction using a small piece of what the student has written that especially struck me as interesting or heartfelt.
Note:sometimes what they’ve written might not work for this particular essay,but might work for another essay,so I always have students save every version of their writing.This is a major advantage of getting as much written as possible.
Once we have a clearer idea of the topic and format of their paper,I try to give them some other exemplary essays that use similar structures or themes to try to prompt their thought.
Step 5:Polishing
After step 4,I guide the student in rewriting their essay,this time keeping word limit in mind.
Once we have a workable“rough draft”that addresses the prompt,matches the word limit,and somewhat satisfies myself and the student,I will sit down with them and we’ll discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the paper.Then we’ll make another revision based on those responses
After producing a second draft based on our readings,I will often encourage the student to have a peer read their paper and give opinions.I also usually have my colleagues look over the essay and give their assessment.After these outside opinions have been discussed,I will have the student write third or fourth drafts
Step 6:Finalizing the paper and submission
Once we have a“finaldraft”version,myself and the student comb through the paper looking for grammatical mistakes,awkward sentences,repeated words,overuse of passive voice,etc.
We will have a final meeting where we again assess the strengths and weaknesses of the paper,and ask general questions such as:Does this address the prompt clearly?After confirming our mutual satisfaction,we will submit or put the essay aside as a final version.