
今天浩天教育分享的的句型统一用:…,though seeming to…,has had the opposite effect of…
示范1 cultivate
简单句:The teachers should cultivate the students into using English to exchange the information.
扩展:The teachers,though seeming to cultivate the students into using English to exchange the information hotessay.cn,have had the opposite effect of weakening the confidence and making them more unwilling to express.
示范2 foster
简单句:Much of modern life fosters social isolation and loneliness.
扩展:Much of modern life,though seeming to promote connectivity,has had the opposite effect of fostering social isolation and loneliness
示范3 turn into
简单句:Moral education could turn students into socially responsible citizens.
扩展:Moral education,though seeming to turn students into socially responsible citizens,has had the opposite effect of pushing the young to take negative attitudes to school curriculum.
示范4 produce
简单句:Schools produce well-rounded individuals.
扩展:Schools,though seeming to produce well-rounded individuals,have had the opposite effect of overburdening the young by forcing them to take too many courses beyond their abilities.
示范5 develop
简单句:Many professions,ranging from designers to architects to programmers to managers,need to develop good taste.
扩展:Many professions,ranging from designers toarchitects to programmers to managers,though seeming to need to develop good taste,have had the opposite effect of causing too much concern about the originality rather than practicability.
示范6 encourage
简单句:Extracurricular activities,especially sports competitions,encourage fair play and good sportsmanship.
扩展:Extracurricular activities,especially sports competitions,though seeming to encourage fair play and good sportsmanship,have had the opposite effect of making children highly competitive and too much result-oriented.
示范7 educate
简单句:The aim of the course is to educate students to be honest.
扩展:The aim of the course,though seeming to educate students to be honest,has had the opposite effect of enhancing the sense of achievement when they successfully deceive others into believing in their tricks.