当你正在填写申请材料申请商学院MBA时,往往会受到短Essay的字数限制而感到非常困扰。然而,商学院的招生人员表示,由于篇幅限制,更容易看出申请人的MBA essay写作水平。

纽约大学斯特恩商学院(Stern School of Business)MBA招生和项目创新副院长伊斯瑟•加洛格里(Isser Gallogly)表示:“你真的必须考虑,什么是必须沟通的,什么是最好沟通的。”
Gallogly说,斯特恩的“挑选六”("Pick Six")Essay要求MBA申请人选择六个代表他们身份的图像,并简要描述每个图像的象征,允许申请人强调他们能够成为MBA课堂一员的原因。
short essay写作
(由纽约大学STERN商学院提供,由纽约大学学生SEBASTIAN HOOKER创建)
MBA essay写作
即将进入匹兹堡卡内基梅隆大学泰珀商学院(Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business)攻读MBA的本•斯特里克豪斯(Ben Strickhouser)表示,有效回答短Essay问题的关键是要跟着自己的心走。
I've spent the last five years working in operations.I’m ready to make a pivot in my career so that I will be in a position to affect organizational decisions and implement improvements.
Due to my obligation to the United States Merchant Marine Academy,I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to numerous places during my short five year career.I've worked in nine countries on three continents and sailed the Atlantic,Pacific and Indian Oceans.Working in these different places has been an incredible experience.Even more incredible are the people with whom I’ve been able to work.
While seeing a foreign land and learning the culture are invaluable experiences,nothing compares to what you learn when you work with someone from another culture.This is a time when you learn how people truly act and feel.From the Philippines to Poland and the Ivory Coast to name just a few,I have had the pleasure to work with a truly diverse group of people.The most important thing that I’ve learned from them,something I could never have learned on my own,is perspective.
Pins on your travel map mean nothing if you don’t take the time to talk to the people who live there.Working and of course living onboard a ship in such close proximity to diverse individuals allowed me the opportunity have in depth conversations with them and understand why they feel the way they do.
The Navy has taught me many great lessons about leadership and allowed me to practice them on a daily basis,but it is my time in the private sector around the world that's truly shaped how I am as a leader.I know that these experiences have given me the empathy to be able to step back and consider all of the factors when confronted with a problem,not just the quick and easy solution.I believe this is my greatest strength to bring to Tepper.
泰珀商学院(Tepper School of Business)硕士招生执行主任凯利·r·威尔逊(Kelly R.Wilson)表示,这篇Essay非常棒,因为它表明Strickhouser拥有一个有趣的视角,并且学习能力非常出色。
密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)斯蒂芬•m•罗斯商学院(Stephen M.Ross School of Business)全日制MBA招生与项目的董事总经理权苏金(Soojin Kwon)表示,商学院的申请者可以用简短的Essay来展示他们简洁写作的能力。