
1.General descriptions of the relevant literature/概述相关文献
A large and growing body of literature have investigated…
A large and growing body of literature have shown that….
Recently,much attention has been focused on…
A large proportion of the current research focussed on(____)has shown that…
In the past decade,a considerable amount of papers have focused on…
What we understand about(___)is largely based on published data...
2.How to refer to previous research by a specific author/引用前人研究,某作者
Traditionally,X et al has argued that….
Questionnaires and survey conducted by X et al.have all shown that…
Several attempts have been made by X et al.regarding…
X et al.has conducted numerous studies that have linked(____)to(____)
X et al.has put forth research findings into(__)that shows…
Numerous studies conducted by X et al.and his team have shown that…
3.How to write phrases that refer to authors in a general way/概述研究进展
(___)has also been proven by numerous researchers to impact`(___)
It has been conclusively shown that….
It has been demonstrated by many researchers that….
20 cohort study analyses have examined the relationship between…
Other authors have considered the relationship between…
It has been demonstrated by numerous researches that…
Factors thought to be influencing(____)have been shown by researchers to…
4.To indicate a current state of knowledge in the field/概述目前进展
There is a clear relationship between X and Y(X et al.2003)
The latest researchregarding(____)is…
Our current understanding of the mechanism underlying(____)indicates that….
From recent studies inthe field of(_____),it is evident that….
5.To represent different time periods that research took place/不同时间点的进展概述
In the past century our understanding of(____)has gradually increased…
In the past decade there has been no development in the field of…..
Up to now…
In(‘year’)Xet al.reported….
In(‘year’)X etal.and his team reported…
In a study conducted byX et al.in(‘year’)…
6.To indicate an authors opinion about a topic/引出某人某观点
X et al.argues that
X et al.points out…
X et al.states that…
X et al.describes inhis study that…
X et al.argues that(_____)impacts the progression of Y…
7.To describe similarities amongst different studies or author opinions/引出多人共同观点
X et al.also agreesthat…
This was corroborated by numerous studies…
X et al.confirmed traditional theories regarding…
Conclusions drawn by numerous studies agree with our current research
Both X et al.and Y etal.came to the same conclusion that…
X et al.as well asseveral other authors confirmed the involvement of…