本文重点介绍了Narrative Essay英文记叙文所具有的特点,写作此类文章时需多加注意哪些方面,以及英文记叙文同其他类型的论文有哪些本质区别等。

narrative essay特点及写作要点
像narrative essay这样的文章,感情色彩极其浓厚。因为你要用自己的话来表述抽象的观点。而不是像写其他论文那样,要一板一眼地论证观点。
A narrative essay is one of the most personalized types of essay you are going to write.The reason is,even in the texts where you are supposed to express your opinion,you are not present as such–it is only your words and rather abstract opinions.
Narrative essay写作典型特点
Narrative essay tells the reader a story–and most likely it is the story the author,which makes it seen and felt through your eyes.Therefore,the most typical features of this kind of writing are as follows:
narrative essay是向读者讲故事——作者通过描述,让故事在读者眼前重现。所以呢,这类文章的写作具有以下典型特点:
It is told from a certain point of view,most often–that of the participant or an onlooker,but variations occur,e.g.,book reports are also narrative essays.First person is most generally used.
通常以参与者或旁观者为视角进行写作,有时也可从其他视角入手,如读书报告,就是narrative essay的一种,这类文章经常以第一人称为视角进行写作。
It doesn’t simply tell a story–it is supposed to do it with some purpose,to make a point and give supporting example.
narrative essay不仅仅是在讲故事——讲故事的目的是为了表明看法或列举论据。
Direct speech usage is also appropriate.
In short,it is similar to any work of fiction:it has plot,conflict,and characterization,makes use of details and descriptions,appeals to the reader’s feelings.
总之,narrative essay就像写小说:要有情节,有冲突,有人物刻画,用记叙和描述等手法引起读者共鸣。
narrative essay与其他academic essay区别
To put it in a nutshell,narrative essays have some fundamental differences from the majority of academic texts.They are concerned with“what”,no“why”.When a teacher asks you to write a book report,or describe your first day at college,he or she doesn’t expect you to write what the author tried to convey or express your opinion about the educational system.
概括地说,narrative essay和大多学术论文是有本质区别的。narrative essay的重点是“描述一个事儿”,而非“解释原因”。如果老师要求你写读书报告,或让你描述你大学生活的第一天,他绝不是要你写“作者意图对教育体制表达某种观点”这样的文章。
Narrative essay is based on facts–the things that are usually presupposed to be known and thus left out from all the other kinds of essays.Here they are the centre of attention.
narrative essay写作要基于实际——即通常被预设已知的事物,这样的写法其他论文体断不能用。这些事物是narrative essay关注的焦点。
In addition,look through some typical topics for a narrative essay:
此外,再看看典型的narrative essay题目吧:
Your most memorable success or failure.
A good or bad thing you did.
A moment when you realized something.
An event that made you change your life.
A memorable event from your childhood.
As you may see,virtually anything can serve as a topic for a narrative essay and be used for driving some point home.What did you learn from this or that experience?Why do you consider it to be so important?In what way do you think it influenced your life?Just be yourself,don’t write anything trite and banal,look at things from unusual angles and success will be yours.
通过这些例子就能知道,几乎任何事都可以当作narrative essay的题目,几乎任何事都可用来阐述观点。你从这些经历中学到了什么?为什么你认为这个很重要?你觉得它从哪些方面影响了你的生活?切记要实话实说,别写陈词滥调。从不同的角度看待事物,自然能写出好文章。