
 写手指南     |      2020-10-06 17:57
  每次看到写手写的essay里有一些地道的表达方式,总会心中暗喜,就像看到surprise gift一样开心。好的词汇表达对于老师来说有多重要,大家如果看过各类标准化考试的评分标准,肯定都心里有数。


  1)SAT Essay部分要求
  2)ACT Essay部分要求
  3)TOEFL Writing部分要求
  4)IELTS Writing部分要求
  ➀lay bare(选自Kaplan Test 3 Essay,President Lyndon Johnson’s Voting Rights Address,delivered March 15,1965)
  In our time we have come to live with moments of great crisis.Our lives have been marked with debate about great issues;issues ofwar and peace,issue of prosperity and depression.But rarely in any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of America itself.Rarely are we met with a challenge,not to our growth or abundance,our welfare or our security,but rather to the values and the purposes and the meaning of our beloved Nation.
  lay bare:(v.)道破、揭发
  ➁get a handle on(选自”Making A Brain Map That We Can Use”by Alva Noë.Originally published January 16,2015.)
  To understand flight,you need to understand aerodynamics;only once you get a handle on that can you ask how a structure of feathers,or any other physical system—such as a manufactured airship—can harness aerodynamics in the service of flight.
  get a handle on:控制、驾驭
  ➂a ghost of chance(选自”Making A Brain Map That We Can Use”by Alva Noë.Originally published January 16,2015.)
  The practical point is that we need some conception of what the whole is for before we have a ghost of a chance of figuring out how it works.
  a ghost of chance:一丝机会